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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My first pattern : Large Soft Spiral Scarf

Hello world =D I am back with a pattern, as promised on Instagram. So this is a scarf I made as a gift for Christmas, so it is not for sale, but I will be making more like this for sale on Etsy if you guys show some interest =). This pattern is for free but I kindly ask that you only use it for personal use, not for commercial purposes. For this project I used two different colors of Homespun yarn (sorry I didn't keep the color) and 10.0 millimeter bamboo needles. Thats it.

I would rate this item at an intermediate level.  Its a simple stitch, but it takes a bit of counting, and includes some pesky color changes.

So here is a picture of my Large Soft Spiral Scarf

And Another view =)

And a little close up of the stitches

Okay so the whole pattern is pretty simple.   It is a repeat of 13 rows worked in a knit stitch, with color changes every two repeats.

Also please forgive any odd wording, this is my first pattern.

Row 1 : Cast on 12 stitches
Row 2 : Knit across 12 stitches

Row 3 : Knit 2 across
Row 4 : Turn work and knit 2
Row 5 : Knit 4 across
Row 6 : Turn work knit 4
Row 7 : Knit 6
Row 8 : Turn work Knit 6
Row 8 : Knit 8
Row 9 : Turn work knit 8
Row 10 : Knit 10
Row 11 : Turn work knit 10
Row 12 : Knit 12
Row 13 : Turn work Knit 12 (color change optional)
Row 14 : Repeat from row 3.  Continue until desired length

So incase this sounds a little confusing, pretty much a basic scarf, you just slowly work farther and farther into the center, making one side longer than the other.  

Now the color change is a little bit different than traditional patterns.  After repeating the pattern as many times as you desire (I switched every two repeats) work the new strand and the old strand into the first stitch of Row 13.  For the rest of the row only work the new color.

As I switched colors I did not cut the strings ever.  Because all of the color changes are on the inside of the spiral I simply included the old color in the first stitch of row 13, even when you are NOT changing colors.  by doing this the strands were able to follow along on the inside without being too lose and susceptible to catching on things. Simply drop the unused color after the first stitch.  

The great thing about this pattern is once you learn how to do this color change you could use as many colors as you like, or as few as you like, and change the colors at different intervals.  Which makes this scarf very flexible.  

It is a very soft and lofty spiral scarf.  I wanted to create a new pattern that worked the scarf width wise rather than length wise, which is how most traditional spiral scarfs are worked.  

Personally I am super excited with how this pattern turned out, and I hope you are too.  If you have any issues, or if I didn't explain anything enough feel free to ask.  

<33 shelly

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thank you =D

Hello again everyone =D

I would like to say thank you to BrandiLynn for being the first follower to this blog. When and if you are ready to make a purchase from our Etsy shop (after it opens in January of course) let us know and you will receive a free gift with your first purchase.

Oh and thank you for reminding me to add follow buttons to the page, I believe I got all of the buttons set up correctly. Oh and readers. Thank you to my readers. You guys are the best. I was so excited to see readers from U.K., Germany, and South Korea.

So we did more and more research on the whole copyright issue..... Nothing really exciting, pretty much we learned that we can not use cartoon characters and such... I did learn that I can use 'short phrases' as they can not be copyrighted. This is from the website, so i'm assuming that that means I can make cute little bags that say 'Hello sweetie' or 'Don't Blink'.... I don't know how much shorter a phrase can get ^-^. Other than that we will have to just have to ask for permission or just not make them. There is no way I am going to risk getting in trouble for copyright. Totally not worth it ever... at all... =)

See the thing is I'm not worried about making new and adorable characters or designs. I can... I have =D.. but the characters that are known and love are the ones that people want.. why would someone want a little character that has no story or background??? but thats okay =) I know we will have wonderful items for you to enjoy.

So current projects.... You all saw a photo of my first doily. I am now almost done with the third and last doily. It will be a nice little set for my Grandma for christmas. This work has been really good for me though.. I think I am actually starting to enjoy making them =D

Sorry this post is a little shorter, and not quite as exciting, but I just wanted to keep everyone updated. It should be much more exciting once we start making stock for the store.

Also I hear talk of some free patterns coming your way. Keep your eyes peeled


Sunday, December 2, 2012


So there is a reason I decided to wait to open our shop until after the holidays.  First of all, I have enough to make for my own Christmas, I don't have time to help others with theirs.  Second of all, my husband leaves January 2nd for Training, and I'd rather spend this last month with him than totally wrapped up in a store, which I know I will be, especially at first, as I will obsess over making it perfect.  And third was to do research to make sure that I did everything by the book.

And now I have reached the brick wall that is copyright infringement.

You see originally I honestly believed that putting fandom type items up was okay... but it is starting to seem like I was wrong.  After much debate it is beginning to look like putting up many of the best items will be copyright infringement, and it will be up to the copyright owner of the product to go after me or not.  And I don't want to take the risk.  After much research and debate I sent Etsy a message for any details they could give me.   I'm assuming that their response won't be much different though.

There are plenty of really cute things I have made from no pattern at all.  And making new items is not an issue for me.   Its just that I was kinda counting on the awesome fandoms to really attract customers and get a store going.

Oh well.  I can always ask each company individually for permission to use their characters and likeness....... I'm sure that will go well with ya know, BBC, Nickelodeon, Disney, and so on.  I do think it might go over better with Notch though.  What do you think?

I don't think it is fair that I will go though so much when so many people are illegally posting items without copyright permission.

Good thing, I learned I should copyright my own intellectual property so that I am not ripped off =D.  Now to figure out how exactly to go about that.  Hopefully the awesome Etsy staff will be able to give me a few pointers after they respond.  And I think I will begin my begging with Notch.  They are the least scary to me lol, and, I believe, will be the most accepting of fandom arts.

on a side note......
look at my doily =DD
It's almost done.

I hate doilies.  They are evil.

but oh so beautiful.. ;(

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Set Up =D

Hello World =D

My name is Michelle and I am a craftaholic.  Whew got that off my chest. ;)

But don't worry I have found a way to make the best of my debilitating problem.  First it was gifts, then it was being an Instagram whore, and then finally I succumbed and I am now opening an Etsy store.  Best part is I am not alone.  A fellow crafter will be joining me in this mission.  Her name is Colleen and she is a Crochet Expert.

Although our store's Grand Opening will not be until January 1st 2013, (ya know if the world doesn't end this month lmao) we decided to start spreading the word and share what it is that we are beginning.

Starting a store is not easy work, but we have our wonderful Instagram set up, with many of our works up already.  Now if you go to look at it @Shellys_Stitches please understand that this is just some of the work that we have done.  Not all of the patterns were original and were made for personal use.  So not everything on the Instagram will be available for purchase, but many of the items there are original, especially the knit and odd crafts =).  Please, go take a look and leave some love<3.

Don't forget to follow us both here and on Instagram... Who knows, we may have different coupons available here than on Instagram.  I wouldn't want you to miss out on anything =D

Anyways.  About us.

We are geeks.

Straight up, no way around it.

We love Doctor Who, Supernatural, Harry Potter, Minecraft, videogames (new and old), and many things of the sort.  If you like these sorts of things and consider your self a part of a fandom you will most definitely be interested in items that will be listed in time to come as our work will be greatly influenced by those interest.

We also love what we do.  Most everything we have made was for our family and friends.  Each item was made out of love, and we have had plenty of practice and odd demands, so don't be afraid to ask for what you want.  We know how to write patterns and we can make what you want.

Also, just for your information.  I am an Army Wife, and we will have many fun patriotic items available as time goes on.

With that being said, keep you're comments and feedback nice.  We work very hard, and everyone has their own opinions.  This is not a political blog.  It is a blog about our crafty arts, maybe a few rants about the latest Supernatural episode, but that is about it.  So just please, play nice.

I will update often.

Much Love


M. C. Stitchers